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What can you get rid of!
That is the question I asked myself after reading the article 10Things You Can Toss Without Thinking Twice by Lauren Piro from Good Housekeeping. I realized I thought of a whole list of things to toss without thinking twice. I also realized I wanted to share that list with you.
Does that question scare you?
I’d like to reassure you that the list of things that I came up with isn’t scary. It’s a list of things that we know we should toss, but we don’t for a variety of reasons. One very common reason is that we just don’t give ourselves the time to evaluate our possessions honestly and then get rid of what’s not serving us. So, I’d like to encourage you to read through the list. Schedule time to get rid of stuff and take action. Then relax and enjoy autumn in New England.
10 Not Scary Things to Toss by Janine Cavanaugh, CPO®
Outdated things
The passing of time causes some things to loose their usefulness. Examples: phone books, manuals, instruction booklets, schedules, clothing, footwear, calendars and datebooks
Expired stuff
Date and time sensitive stuff becomes expired before we realize it. Examples: medicine, spices, tea, condiments, cosmetics and coupons
Obsolete items
Changes and improvements are made to products all the time and we need to adapt. Examples: technology, VHS tapes, floppy disks, cassette tapes, tools, price lists, address lists, dictionaries, encyclopedias, paper maps
It’s helpful to have a pair of scissors in the kitchen, office and bathroom but sometimes we go a bit too far with duplicates. Examples: gadgets, staplers, coffee mugs, soap dispensers, pens, water bottles
Unfinished repairs
How long have you been holding onto the jacket with the broken zipper or the chair with the broken leg. Give yourself 3 months to fix something, and if it doesn’t get repaired recycle it or toss it.
Opened but didn’t like things
It’s great to try new things, but do they linger and take up valuable space if we don’t like them? Examples: Snacks, drinks, cosmetics, personal care items, cleaning supplies
Unworn clothes
Let’s face it, our style preferences evolve. If you haven’t worn it in the past 3 years or you can’t see yourself wearing it in the next 3 years donate it. Also if it’s more than one size too big or one size too small get rid of it. If you’ve been saving it for a special occasion that isn’t going to happen let it go. If it is no longer age appropriate let someone younger have it.
Items with negative vibes
Life is full of ups and downs, but we don’t need to be dwell on the bad. Let it go and set yourself free. Examples: papers from divorce, unflattering clothing, gifts that you’ve always disliked, unfortunate purchase mistakes
Unused possessions
We tend to fill the space we have, yet not all of it gets used. Why not give it to someone who will use it? Examples: tech gadgets and toys, greeting cards, food, books, games, craft supplies, tools, sports and athletic equipment
You can find more ideas in my blog article 10 Things You Can Automatically Get Rid Of.
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Please take care of yourself and your loved ones and be safe and healthy.
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