More is a 4 letter word

Having more doesn’t always mean better. In fact, it often creates more problems, stress, and frustration.

  • More possessions fill up space, leaving less room to breathe.
  • More things require time—time spent maintaining, moving, sorting, and searching for them.
  • More spending on things leaves less money in the bank.
  • More clutter leads to less peace of mind, as the visual overload can be overwhelming.

Tips on how to embrace less:

Reduce clutter

Do you reduce?

Donating is easy

Evaluate holiday decorations

A great time to evaluate your holiday decorations is when you’re putting them away. Before packing them up, set criteria for what to keep and what to donate. Consider these guidelines:

  • You love it.
  • You display it every year.
  • It’s one of your favorite holiday decorations.
  • It’s sentimental, and you would never part with it.

This approach ensures you only keep what truly brings joy and meaning to your celebrations.

paper shopping bags

Stop spending to save

We’ve all done it. We fall prey to the notice that flashes on the screen telling us that if we spend just $16.00 more, (or some other amount) we’ll save 20%, or get free shipping, or a free promo gift. But do we only spend the required amount or do we spend more? We spend more than originally planned because the vendor encourages us to spend more to save money? Is it worth it?

Do you really want more at this time?

Are these extra items necessary?

Is this a want or a need?

Do you have room for more?

Remember, the more we have the more we have to organize and maintain.


donate don't dump sign

Donating is easy

Donating is a simple and effective way to declutter. Select a worthy charity, non-profit or organization that motivates you to let go. Haul away your items and smile. You’ve reduced your belongings to a more manageable amount that’s easier to organize and maintain. You’ve also helped the environment.

You’re in control

One effective way to stay organized is to remove (or reduce) anything in our homes that we can’t keep under control. Items that fall into this category are usually things we have in large quantities or excess. Some examples are an excessive amount of clothes, books, toys, shoes, paperwork, or collections. Think of an amount that is manageable and work towards achieving that amount.