Use it or loose it

Use what you have or let it go. Using things up leads to less clutter. Do you have a bottle of something that was half used and then forgotten? What about something you tried several times but didn’t like, but also didn’t get rid of? Are there items you had to buy in bulk, but only needed one? Let these things go and free up space in your cupboards, cabinets, and drawers.

Resources for getting rid of these things:

this or that sweater

Compare instead of decide

When deciding what to keep and what not to keep, compare two items at a time. Do you like this item more than that item? Which one do I use more? Wear more? Feel better about?

Other helpful tips:

photo albums on shelf

Keep only your favorites

Identify your favorite things and make space to enjoy those things. This will probably require the removal of unused, outdated, and unwanted stuff. By reducing those possessions, your favorite things have breathing room, and you have less to organize and maintain.

Here are a few suggestions:

Reset day

Establish a weekly reset day. A day where you clean up and clear out in order to start fresh for the coming week. My reset day is Sunday. I do several things on this day that help me maintain order.

  • Check calendar and weekly work schedule
  • Plan meals
  • Change sheets
  • Water plants
  • Change bathroom and kitchen towels
  • Do laundry




How many is enough?

Use instead of store

There is a distinction between using things and storing things. One signifies action and the other signifies stockpiling. For example, using up the big jug of laundry detergent you bought vs. storing the 5 jugs of laundry detergent you bought. Which situation requires less effort to organize and maintain? Go with that one!