Entries by Janine Cavanaugh, CPO®

Donating is easy

Donating is a simple and effective way to declutter. Select a worthy charity, non-profit or organization that motivates you to let go. Haul away your items and smile. You’ve reduced your belongings to a more manageable amount that’s easier to organize and maintain. You’ve also helped the environment.

You’re in control

One effective way to stay organized is to remove (or reduce) anything in our homes that we can’t keep under control. Items that fall into this category are usually things we have in large quantities or excess. Some examples are an excessive amount of clothes, books, toys, shoes, paperwork, or collections. Think of an amount […]

Staying organized when life is busy

Why does summer seem to fly by? School gets out in June. We celebrate July 4th, then bam! It’s time for a new school year to begin. The pace of life seems to go faster at the end of August into September. Does this happen to you? How can we stay organized when life seems to speed up? Here are 3 tips.

Everything has potential

Potential usefulness is not the same as usefulness. It can be tempting to hold onto things because they have potential. I urge you to reevaluate and be honest with yourself. Ask questions to help evaluate the true value of an item. How realistic is the potential of this item? What condition is it in? What […]

Use it or loose it

Use what you have or let it go. Using things up leads to less clutter. Do you have a bottle of something that was half used and then forgotten? What about something you tried several times but didn’t like, but also didn’t get rid of? Are there items you had to buy in bulk, but […]