Your organizing preference

The way we store, organize, manage, and retrieve stuff is unique to each individual. By paying attention to what works best for us, we realize our organizing preferences. Use these preferences to hone your organizing skills.

The image below is an example of 5 different ways to store sweaters. What is your preferred method? Is that the method that works best for you? If so, repeat this method with other stuff you need to store, organize, manage and retrieve. If it isn’t, test another method for effectiveness.

Daily habits

Mirror daily behaviors to create better daily habits.

  • Where do dirty clothes land? Put a hamper with an open lid right in that spot.
  • Where does your purse land? Put a hook close by so you can hang it up.
  • Where does the mail land? Put a vertical bin there to corral it.

Create Inner Calm

Outer order helps facilitate inner calm. To maintain outer oder follow these highly effective solutions.

  1. 3 Step Organizing Process
  2. 3 Clutter Busting Tips
  3. Top 3 Organizing Tips


Delete and Delegate

It’s easy to get stuck thinking we have to take care of things ourselves. What would happen if we shifted our mindset? What if we asked yourselves, “Where can we delete and delegate?” Are there tasks that we can delete from our to-do-list? Are there responsibilities we can delegate? Try it and see what happens?


  • Have someone else get stamps at the post office, return packages, or pick up prescriptions.
  • Delete product review request and surveys that have been in your inbox for months.
  • Have others wash, dry, and fold laundry.
  • Toss pledges and money solicitations that you’re not going to donate to within the next 3 months.
  • Use my list of 20 Organizing Projects Kids Can Do.
small bags on finger

Be a choosy consumer

Buy what you need and use what you buy. This leads to less material possessions, which means that there is less to organize.