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Happy Spring!
How are you enjoying your spring? Do you have spring cleaning and organizing projects lined up? At my house we’re getting central air conditioning installed. I’m very excited that we won’t have to deal with the window AC units anymore. The new AC will also be more energy efficient, and we’ll hopefully see some savings on our electric bill.
Speaking of electric bills, do you know that you don’t need to keep utility bills? Several people have told me they keep them in order to compare their current bill with last year’s bill. However, in the 14 years I’ve been in business I’ve only met one person who’s actually done that.
I do want to point out that there is one valid reason for keeping utility bills. That is to show proof of residence, but you only need one bill. So I recommend that you keep one hard-copy of each utility bill, electric, gas, phone, internet, cable, water, sewer, and public works, and toss/shred all the rest.
It is wise to keep track of your utility account numbers and contacts in case of a problem. A simple spread sheet can keep all that organized. Include the name, address, phone number, and account number of the utility company. If you’d like a few more details you can include the dollar amount paid each month, each quarter or each year.
Easiest way to get rid of something
Have you ever put something on the curb as a free give away? I do it all the time with items from my clients and items from my own house. It is one of the easiest, quickest ways to get rid of something.
In fact the most recent item we put out didn’t even make it to the curb. My husband decided to get rid of this old weight bench. We were carrying it out to the curb when we saw a car slow and then stop just past our house. The driver hopped out and asked, “Are you getting rid of that?” My husband and I looked at each other with surprise on our faces and respond in unison, “YES!” We helped him load it into his car as he kept saying, “Wow, the timing couldn’t have been better!” We agreed.
So as long as your town allows you to put stuff out on the curb with a free sign on it, go for it. You’ll be surprised that your cast offs are of value to someone else. By the way, my husband was in the best mood after that. He was thrilled that the weight bench was going to someone who was really going to use it.
I’d sincerely appreciate a review!
If you’ve worked with me in any capacity, I’d be grateful for a review. Simply click on this link and answer 2 questions. Thank you and happy organizing!
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