Garage & Attic Cleanup
The leaves and temperatures are falling, and before we know it the gift giving season will be upon us. Before that happens why not take the opportunity to organize two areas in which autumn is the perfect time to work, our attic and garage. The temperatures, now, are just right for tackling these two areas, and once we’re finished we’ll be ready for packages, gift bags, and bows.
Our attic and garage are the storage areas in our home and are usually filled with a variety of items. Therefore, when it’s time to organize them, we’re faced with making decisions about items we don’t want, but aren’t sure how to get rid of, and on items that we think we should save, just in case. I’d like to offer some solutions.
First of all, getting rid of items safely can be time consuming and troublesome, but with a bit of effort we can make it happen.
Solutions for getting rid of items:
1. Contact local recycle stations. They’ll clarify what can be recycled and when they offer bulk trash, and hazardous waste removal.
2. Contact second-hand shops and drop off unwanted items. Try Savers, Saint Vincent De Paul or Goodwill.
3. Contact donation centers and see if they’ll pick up at your door. Try Big Brother Big Sister Foundation, Salvation Army or the Epilepsy Foundation.
4. For information about electronic recycling try one of these websites,, or
5. Call a junk removal company. Try Clean Out Your House or 1-800-got-junk.
Solutions for saving items just in case:
1. Ask yourself the following questions:
A. Has it been used in the last 5 years?
B. Will it be used in the next 5 years?
C. Does it fit into my current life style and serve a purpose for me and my family now?
If you answered ‘no’ to all three of these questions it is time to let go. Toss, donate, or sell the item. If you need more convincing ask yourself the following questions:
D. I need this item when…?
E. I use this item when…?
F. I love this item because…?
If the phrase “but I might need that someday” escaped from your lips, the jig is up. Let it go and move on.
If you’d like more assistance or a personal helper call me for a complimentary consultation at (508) 699-6652 or email me. I’d be happy to help you.
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