Organizing Junk Drawers

Tip:  The best way to organize a junk drawer is to follow the guidelines listed below and to use utensil or desk drawer divided trays.  You can find these products at kitchen supply stores, office supply stores, department stores and the Container Store.

  • Keep the junk drawer(s) organized by compartmentalizing the items.
  • Keep like items together in divided compartments.
  • Label the compartments on the bottom of the tray.
  • Don’t allow every drawer you have to be filled with random items that don’t make sense to be stored together.
  • Limit the number of junk drawers you have to one.  If that is not possible, have no more than two.


smile bucket

Spring Cleaning

smile bucketBy combining efforts of organizing and spring cleaning the benefits will be twofold. Here are four ways you can combine your efforts.

1. While you’re getting out your spring and summer clothes purge those items that you didn’t wear last year and any items that are a bit too snug.  Donate to a local charity or look into a consignment shop.
2. While getting out your grilling tools and uncovering your grill,  weed out and pare down your recipes and cookbooks.   Pick a number and only save that many, and make a vow not to print any more from the internet.
3. While tackling your spring yard work, sort through your lawn and garden tools. Get rid of rusty tools and duplicates. Keep only the ones that you really use.
4. While airing out the house, sort through your linens. You only need three sets of sheets per bed and three sets of towels per person. Donate any extra to an animal shelter.

© March 2013 Janine Cavanaugh, Certified Professional Organizer®.  All rights reserved


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Organizing with a Maximum Number

Tip:  Choose a maximum number to have on hand and let that be your organizing guideline.  For example:

  • 2 sets of bath towels per person
  • 3 coffee mugs per person
  • 2 sets of sheets per bed
  • 1 kitchen hand towel per day of week
  • 4 open bottles of cleaning products at a time
  • 2 sets of pot holders
  • 1 vacuum per floor
  • 1 opened bar or bottle of soap per sink

Organizing With Labels

Tip:  Use labels to learn and remember the designated home for items.  The label will reinforce the action of putting an item back in it’s designated home.  Use quality labels that are clear and legible.  A label doesn’t have to be just words, especially in a toy room.  You can use stickers, photos, or magazine clippings.

Like a Personal Trainer

Happy New Year!  I’m looking forward to 2013 and all that it may bring, and I hope you are too.  I usually make a few New Year’s Resolutions.  Do you?  If getting organized and loosing weight are on your resolution list, you’re not alone.  They’re two of the most popular resolutions people make.  So, I’m not surprised to see all the weight loss and gym membership ads on television.  In fact, I think what I do as a Certified Professional Organizer® is very similar to what a Personal Trainer does.  Please let me explain!

Like a Personal Trainer

How am I, a Certified Professional Organizer® like a Personal Trainer?  I can list five similarities for you.

1.  I’m hired to assist you to reach a specific goal.
2.  I work with you one-on-one for a designated time, which for me is a minimum of two hours.
3.  I encourage, educate and motivate to the best of my ability in my area of expertise.
4.  I’m there to hold you accountable and help you get the job done.
5.  I can help you set up a long term action plan to stay on track.

So, if you’re ready to take the Personal Trainer approach to organizing, I’m ready to assist you.  Call today, 508-699-6652.