Less is more in 2024

Happy New Year!
Wishing you an organized, productive, and joyful year. What do you have planned for 2024? Do you make new year’s intentions, resolutions, or goals? Here are a few of mine.

home happy

Value space over stuff

Our stuff has a value, but so does the space it occupies. Which is more important, space or stuff? I know it will  depend on the item, but as a general rule, I’d recommend placing a higher value on our spaces rather than on our stuff.

  • Let’s value clear kitchen counters that allow us the space to cook with and for our families, verses counters piled up with appliances, gadgets, mail, and groceries?
  • Let’s value a walk in closet that we can actually walk into and maintain with ease, verses a trendy new outfit every week.
  • Let’s value an uncluttered desk that fosters productivity, verses one piled high with papers, mail, office supplies and tech items.