Entries by Janine Cavanaugh, CPO®

Organizing Medical Papers

In preparation for visiting a new doctor last week, I realized that my medical papers were not organized in a manner that was suitable to my needs. They were mostly organized in chronological order of doctor visits, and I wanted them organized by subject, and then, in chronological order of doctor visits. So, I gave […]

Mindful De-cluttering

Practice mindful de-cluttering. Angry de-cluttering is done without thought, when we’ve reached a point of being overwhelmed and just start pitching stuff.  Mindful de-cluttering is an orderly, systematic approach to making decisions about our belongings.  We allow ourselves the time necessary to make mindful decisions based on our current needs and lifestyle.

Save Time

Do you feel that being organized could save time?  When I ask this question in the classes I teach on organizing, everyone says, “yes”.  They go on to say that one of the major time saving benefits of being organized is being able to find what they want when they need it.  They feel that […]

Motivation to Organize

Helpful Organizer Newsletter – October 2014   Quick Links My website My Email address My Blog NAPO-NE Side Notes: ***    I’d like your input on my Helpful Organizer Blog.  From now till December 31, 2014, each time you comment on one of my blog articles you’ll be entered into a drawing for two free hours […]

Clutter Aerobics

Have you ever heard the term clutter aerobics?  Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?  For some, I’m sure the term evokes two of their least favorite things, clutter and aerobics.  For me, it evokes a desire to crank Katy Perry on iTunes and take action.  Clutter aerobics is when you set the timer for 20 minutes and […]