Entries by Janine Cavanaugh, CPO®

To Keep or Not Keep

Tip:  If making the decision to keep or not keep is too difficult, do the following.  Pack up the items and label the container with a list of contents and the date the items were packed.  Store the container in an out of the way location for one year.  If you look for items in […]

Containers for Organizing

Tip:  When searching for an appropriate container to store items, take these 5 aspects into consideration, proper fit, durability, manageability, dimensions, and labeling options.  Remember that function should take prescience over ascetics.  I recommend getting a container you like, because you’ll be much more apt to use it.

Cost of Ownership

September brings colder nights, and soon we’ll be turning on the heat.  We received the depressing news from our plumber that our furnace should be replaced this year or next.  Oh, the joys of home ownership.  What about the joys and cost of owning any item? Costs of Ownership Do you agree that it’s easy […]