Manageable Amount
Janine’s list of manageable amount.
I’m sharing these numbers to help you establish a guideline for yourself. I understand that everyone has different sized homes, lifestyles and family requirements.
Number Janine currently has followed by Janine’s recommended manageable amount.
bath towels – 3 sets / 2 sets per person
sets of sheets – 3 sets / 2 sets per bed
coffee mugs – 6 / 3 per coffee drinker
light bulbs – 12 / 2 per kind
items on bathroom vanity – 0 because only have pedestal sink / 5
umbrellas – 3 / 1 per person + 1 per car
vases – 8 / 2 per size
items on daily to do list – 5 / no more than 5
pocketbooks 4 / 1 per season
home improvement projects started – 2 / no more than 3
cleaning products – 8 / 10
vacuums – 1 / 1 per floor
sets of dishes – 1 set of 12 / 3 sets at most
beach towels – 5 / 2 per person
spatulas – 4 / 2 per size
hats – 5 summer hats, 5 winter hats / 4 per person
containers for leftovers – 25 / no more than 35
craft projects started – 4 / 3
open bottles of shampoo – 2 / 2
conditioner – 1 / 2
dish detergent – 1 / 1
laundry detergent – 1 / 1
hand soap – 2 / 1 per sink
items on refrigerator – 10 / leave 2/3 of fridge uncovered
boxes of holiday decorations – 14 small in size / no more than 7 large bins
salt & pepper shakers – 1 / 2
pairs of glasses – 2 /3
flash lights – 5 / 2 per floor + 1 per car
plastic bags from grocery store – 10 / 30
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