Organizing Tax Documents

Keep one tax document folder labeled with the current year, and add papers to it as they collect throughout the year.  Once your taxes have been filed for this year, transfer the documents to a bin labeled past tax documents, and write the specific years that are included in the bin.  Include with your past tax documents,  all your supporting tax papers, financial records for that year, and proof of tax payment.  Store the bin in a remote area.  Start a new tax folder for the next year.

Prioritizing to be Productive

Prioritize!  List the top three things that must be finished by the end of the day in order for you to feel happy and productive, and do them first thing in the morning.  I list my top three priorities in my date book, and tackle my number one priority before I read or respond to any emails, or answer any phone calls.  This helps me prevent distraction and procrastination.

Time to Organize

Schedule time on your calendar to organize.  Treat it like an appointment that you can’t reschedule without a large rescheduling fee.  Then pick just one target area to work on, and tackle one flat surface in that area.  For example, if you’re working in the kitchen, start with items on the counter.  If you’re working in your closet, start with items on the floor.  If you’re working in your home-office, start with items on the desk.

Recycling Boxes

Keep boxes at least until you’ve opened the items, used them, and established that they work to your satisfaction.  Then get rid of the box.  If you’re not ready to do so, break the box down and store it flat for 6 months, then after 6 months get rid of the box.

Mindful De-cluttering

Practice mindful de-cluttering.
Angry de-cluttering is done without thought, when we’ve reached a point of being overwhelmed and just start pitching stuff.  Mindful de-cluttering is an orderly, systematic approach to making decisions about our belongings.  We allow ourselves the time necessary to make mindful decisions based on our current needs and lifestyle.