paper shopping bags

Gift Giving Questions

small bags on fingerWhen buying gifts there are 3 simple questions you can ask to help determine how the gift will be received.

    1. Will this gift be a treasure or burden for the recipient?
    2. How practical and useful is this gift?
    3. Is this gift going to be difficult to use, assemble, or store?

Find some organizer friendly gift ideas in my past blog.


Organizing tipAllow yourself to be thankful for the smallest bit of order or organization you have. Small victories can provide so much satisfaction. For example last week when I remembered where I put something for which I’d been searching. Please share your small victories with me.

4 white ghosts

Conjure the organizing spirit

Organizing tipWhen do you feel the most energized and awake? Is it in the morning, afternoon, or evening? That answer is when you’ll conjure the most organizing spirit, so use that time to plan your most difficult organizing tasks. Match your tasks to your energy level. By doing this your likelihood of success increases.

releasing butterfly

Let Go Every Day

Organizing tipLet something go every day. A good way to practice letting go is to do it daily. Here are some ideas to encourage you.

  • Take out containers, utensils, condiment packets, straws, and napkins
  • Junk mail, outdated catalogues, and other papers like this
  • Expired food, old leftovers, stale crackers or chips
  • Pens, markers, highlighters that don’t work
  • Plastic and paper bags (10 of each is enough)
  • All empty boxes


consistent action

Experiment with New Habits

Organizing tipSet up a new habit as an experiment. This allows you to view the process as fun rather than a chore. New habits with a focus on maintaining order are always helpful. Here are two examples of experiments you can try.

  1. Experiment with collecting the mail daily and seeing how much you can immediately recycle without opening. Set a goal for yourself to recycle at least 10 pieces of mail a week. Keep a tally sheet on the fridge and get the whole family involved. Reward yourself with a family bonfire at the end of the month.
  2. Experiment with tossing one item a day from your junk drawer (or closet, dresser, medicine cabinet, or toiletries stash). Take a before photo. Do this for one month and take an after photo. How does it look? How much more functional is the drawer? How do you feel about your tossed items? Reward yourself with something fun and please share your before and after photos with me.