Reducing Mail
I was at the National Association of Professional Organizers Conference for 5 days and guess how many pieces of mail I received? Only 9! In addition, I did receive one local newspaper and one packet of flyers. Out of those nine pieces of mail, two were really good, a check and a copy of the news article in which I was quoted. Not bad, right? Would you like to know the secret of how you can receive less mail? Below are my top 3 tips on how to reduce the amount of mail you receive:
Tip #1. Get your name removed from mailing lists for newspapers, magazines, catalogs and solicitations. Please note it can take up to 6 months to be removed from a mailing list. Some websites to try:
Tip #2. Go paperless with monthly statements, bills, and newsletters.
Tip #3. Go high tech and use nooks, kindles and phone apps for newspapers, magazines, etc.
© April 2013, Janine Cavanaugh, Certified Professional Organizer® All rights reserved
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