Tag Archive for: paper organizing

Recycle more paper

It can be a struggle to determine whether to keep or recycle certain papers. So, I’ve devised a list of questions that will help you. Answer the following questions honestly and objectively. If your answer is no to 5 or more questions it’s time to recycle or shred that paper.

  • Do you have a specific use for this paper?
  • Does this paper hold current and up-to-date information?
  • Did you request this information?
  • Will this paper help you complete a project you’re working on now?
  • Are there tax, legal, or insurance reasons to keep this paper?
  • Is this information important to your life right now?
  • Is this paper referred to often?
  • Can this information be obtained elsewhere or again if needed?
  • Would getting rid of this paper make your life more difficult?


home happy

Value space over stuff

Our stuff has a value, but so does the space it occupies. Which is more important, space or stuff? I know it will  depend on the item, but as a general rule, I’d recommend placing a higher value on our spaces rather than on our stuff.

  • Let’s value clear kitchen counters that allow us the space to cook with and for our families, verses counters piled up with appliances, gadgets, mail, and groceries?
  • Let’s value a walk in closet that we can actually walk into and maintain with ease, verses a trendy new outfit every week.
  • Let’s value an uncluttered desk that fosters productivity, verses one piled high with papers, mail, office supplies and tech items.

Trash don’t stash

Have you heard this phrase before, “Trash it don’t stash it!”? It’s great organizing advice that can be applied to both paper and stuff. However, please recycle instead of trash.

Here are three blogs that will help you do just that.

  1. Paper, what to keep and for how long
  2. 10 Things you can automatically get rid of
  3. 10 Not scary things to toss


File cabinet space savers

Organizing tipHere are three easy ways to clear up space in your file cabinet.

  1. Recycle or shred paid utility bills. Get rid of all paid gas, electric, public work, telephone, cable, trash, and water bills that are older than 2 months.
  2. Go paperless with all bank, credit card, and financial statements. You’ll be saving trees.
  3. Don’t keep medical or dental explanation of benefits beyond 6 months.


Don’t keep utility bills

How are you enjoying your spring? Do you have spring cleaning and organizing projects lined up? At my house we’re getting central air conditioning installed. I’m very excited that we won’t have to deal with the window AC units anymore.