Entries by Janine Cavanaugh, CPO®

The Best Organizing Product In The World

During my organizing classes, I often ask the class, “What is the best organizing product in the world?” This question grabs their attention. They stop what their doing, and look up. I see a question in their eyes, and hear it on the tips of their tongues, “What?” They really want to know. Their curiosity […]

Organizing Books

When reading an organizing book think of the content as a menu where you can pick and choose what fits your unique situation. Otherwise you can get overwhelmed or discouraged with advise that is good, but just won’t work for you. Be selective and choosy. After all the best organizing tip is the one you […]

Organizing in the New Year

Content January 2017 Newsletter Side Notes: ***   Did you know that January is Get Organized Month? What will you organize this month? Please share with me. *** February is the start of my spring  class schedule. You can obtain more details on my website. Hope to see you in class. ***  Question:  What is the […]

Prevent Clutter

A great way to prevent clutter is to stop it from coming in the door in the first place. Put a trash can, recycle bin, and shred container in the garage, and use them to clean out the clutter from the car, your purse, your work bag, and school backpacks. Also use them to toss […]