Spring Organizing

Helpful Organizer Newsletter – Spring 2015
Side Notes:***  I’m excited to say I’ve taped a video for my website, and it is up and running on my website home page.  I hope you’ll take a look and let me know what you think.

***    I have one more class scheduled this spring, Downsizing: Organizing the Accumulation of Our Lives.  The class will be at Tri-County in Franklin on April 30th.  Please join me if you’re interested.


***    What is a blog?  The Helpful Organizer Blog I write is short entries of information on organizing topics that I find noteworthy and potentially helpful to my clients and the general public.   Here are a few of my most recent blogs that you may want to read:


Clutter Excuses


Preventing Paper Clutter


Organizing with the Help of Lists


***   Question:

Do you rent storage space?


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I hope that spring has brought some sunshine into your world.  After the winter we’ve had, we need it.  I’m pleased to see the buds on the trees and the spring flowers popping up.  Aren’t you?  It also makes me want to air out and spruce up my home.  What about you?


Spring Organizing

Now that we are not buried in snow, it’s spring cleaning time.  What does that look like for you and your family?  Do you open all the windows and scrub the house clean?  Do you schedule a donation pick up day?  Do you get the family involved in yard pick up?  I’d like to suggest that you include spring organizing with your spring cleaning, and include projects like the ones listed below.

1.  While airing out the house, include your kitchen cupboards.  Give yourself the goal of removing three items from each cupboard that haven’t been used in a few years.  Or it can be an item that is a duplicate of another item.  Or perhaps it is a damaged item or an item that is missing a part.
2.  While planing for lighter summer meals, look through your pantry, freezer and refrigerator for expired foods.  Discard any items that are past their expiration date, and plan to use up items that are about to expire.
3.  While preparing for the relaxing days of summer, see if you spot any pockets of clutter.  Quite often clutter comes from good intentions and unfinished projects.  If you have items you intended to fix, mend or repair, just do it, or get rid of it.  If you have projects that you’ve started but haven’t finished, schedule time to finish them or get rid of them.  Free yourself so you can enjoy a carefree summer.
4.  For more suggestions connect to my Spring Cleaning blog.

If you have spring organizing ideas, please share them with me.

Getting Rid of Stuff

It is not always easy to get rid of something once you’ve decided you no longer need, want, or use it.  So, I’ve started compiling resource lists for removing particular categories of items.  I find that clothing and textiles are one of the easiest categories to donate, recycle, and get rid of.  Please connect with me, and I’ll share my local resource guide for getting rid of clothing and textiles.

If you know of another option, I’d appreciate you sharing it with me.


Janine Cavanaugh, CPO®

    If you’d like to share this email message with someone, please click on the Forward email button below.  Thank you and happy organizing this spring!
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