Have you ever heard the term clutter aerobics? Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? For some, I’m sure the term evokes two of their least favorite things, clutter and aerobics. For me, it evokes a desire to crank Katy Perry on iTunes and take action. Clutter aerobics is when you set the timer for 20 minutes and zoom around and de-clutter. This is an inventive way to get two benefits from one activity. As you de-clutter, you’re also getting an aerobic workout by zooming around. The idea is to work quickly and without interruption for 20 minutes daily or at least 3 times a week. This schedule will allow you to keep the clutter at bay and get your heart pumping, to Katy Perry, if you so choose.
Your de-clutter activities may include, putting items back where they belong, picking up items from the floor, shredding and recycling as many papers as you can, taking care of dirty and clean dishes, removing items from the kitchen counter and finding a home for them, taking care of dirty and clean clothes, picking up items from the front and back entryway, clearing off the desk, finding a place for everything that has collected on the bathroom counter tops, and clearing the kitchen and dining room tables.
One way to really make progress is to schedule your clutter aerobics on your weekly calendar. Make a list of the de-cluttering activities you’ll work on each day or week. The more clutter aerobics you do, the more progress you’ll make, the less cluttered your home will be. Isn’t that worth pursuing? Another way to really make progress is to get the whole family involved. You may have to change your music choice to One Direction, but that’s not so bad.
© November 2014 Janine Cavanaugh, Certified Professional Organizer® All Rights Reserved

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