Tag Archive for: organizing tips for families

pile of gifts

Gift Giving & Santa

The gift giving season is upon us once again, and at this time of year I like to share my Organizer-friendly gift ideas. These options are alternatives to traditional gifts, because they focus on zero waste…

Reset day

Establish a weekly reset day. A day where you clean up and clear out in order to start fresh for the coming week. My reset day is Sunday. I do several things on this day that help me maintain order.

  • Check calendar and weekly work schedule
  • Plan meals
  • Change sheets
  • Water plants
  • Change bathroom and kitchen towels
  • Do laundry




home happy

Value space over stuff

Our stuff has a value, but so does the space it occupies. Which is more important, space or stuff? I know it will  depend on the item, but as a general rule, I’d recommend placing a higher value on our spaces rather than on our stuff.

  • Let’s value clear kitchen counters that allow us the space to cook with and for our families, verses counters piled up with appliances, gadgets, mail, and groceries?
  • Let’s value a walk in closet that we can actually walk into and maintain with ease, verses a trendy new outfit every week.
  • Let’s value an uncluttered desk that fosters productivity, verses one piled high with papers, mail, office supplies and tech items.
tiny house key

Creating new habits

Use all your senses when creating new habits. Think about it. Speak about it. Write about it. Do it.

Example: Create new habit of putting things in their assigned spots when returning home from work.

  • Think about it = Where is the best assigned spot for my coat, purse, shoes, keys, sunglasses, work bag, lunch bag, mail, and anything else I brought home with me?
  • Speak about it = Ask for input from family and friends.
  • Write about it = Label where things go to reinforce new habit.
  • Do it = Practice everyday.

Daily habits

Mirror daily behaviors to create better daily habits.

  • Where do dirty clothes land? Put a hamper with an open lid right in that spot.
  • Where does your purse land? Put a hook close by so you can hang it up.
  • Where does the mail land? Put a vertical bin there to corral it.