Post Holiday Organizing
Can you believe it’s the end of January already? Are your holiday decorations still up? Where are the holiday cards and gift wrap? Would a few suggestions help motivate you to take action? 1. If holiday greeting cards you received aren’t destined for a scrapbook or memory box, toss, after making a list of who […]
Organizing Habits
Creating habits is a great way to help yourself stay organized. Once something becomes habitual it takes less thought and effort. Here are a few good organizing habits to establish in 2014. Label where items belong and repeatedly put them back in the same spot. Spend 5 minutes a day per room removing items from […]
Simple Organizing Solutions
Receiving a thank you note in the mail is pleasant. It’s even more pleasant when you’re being thanked for something you didn’t realize would make an impact on the other person. This happened to me when I offered a simple organizing solution to a Realtor I had met at a networking event. She asked me […]
Clearing the Clutter
Who likes to hunt? I’m talking, in your own closets, pantry, cupboards and drawers? Are these areas unorganized and filled with random stuff? Is what you need, want, and use mixed in with a bunch of items you don’t need, don’t want, and don’t use? Having to sift and hunt every time you’re looking for […]
Closet Organizing
When I’m shopping, one thing that I find frustrating is looking through overstuffed clothes racks that are so tight you can’t slide the hangers, even an inch, to get a good look at what’s there. Is this what it’s like in your closet at home? Have you taken to not hanging up your clothes because […]
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