Books and stuff

November already?
November has arrived and I’m still asking myself what happened to October. I’m not quite ready for the winter months, but there are two cold-weather activities that I’m looking forward to, snuggling up on the couch with a good book and scrapbooking my vacation photos. What are you looking forward to this winter?

November 5th is Book Lovers Day
Did you like to read as a kid? I did not, that’s why my sisters are so surprised when I tell them about a good book I’ve just read. I read all the time now.

yard sale

How are you enjoying your summer!

For me, summer has been filled with travel, family, friends, beach, and home improvement projects. We got our hardwood floors refinished. That means every single thing in 5 rooms of our home needed to be removed. Everything!

In preparation for the big clean out, we decided to sell some furniture and decor. We hosted a yard sale at our house with my sister. She downsized and closed an online shop, so she had a ton of things to sell.

Don’t keep utility bills

How are you enjoying your spring? Do you have spring cleaning and organizing projects lined up? At my house we’re getting central air conditioning installed. I’m very excited that we won’t have to deal with the window AC units anymore.

Plan & Prioritize

What’s new in 2022? I hope this year is off to a great start for you! Are you making plans and initiating changes?
Planning and prioritizing is a great way to organize yourself. A bit of planning goes a long way to improve your workday and time at home.

How many do you need?

How many pot holders do you have? How many can you use at one time? You only have two hands. So, how many is enough? I know our society has programed us to believe that more is better, and that having a surplus on-hand is required for optimal household management. But I’d like to encourage you to challenge those thoughts, and ask yourself how many you really need. What is a manageable amount for you?