Compare instead of decide
When deciding what to keep and what not to keep, compare two items at a time. Do you like this item more than that item? Which one do I use more? Wear more? Feel better about?
Other helpful tips:
When deciding what to keep and what not to keep, compare two items at a time. Do you like this item more than that item? Which one do I use more? Wear more? Feel better about?
Other helpful tips:
Identify your favorite things and make space to enjoy those things. This will probably require the removal of unused, outdated, and unwanted stuff. By reducing those possessions, your favorite things have breathing room, and you have less to organize and maintain.
Here are a few suggestions:
There is a distinction between using things and storing things. One signifies action and the other signifies stockpiling. For example, using up the big jug of laundry detergent you bought vs. storing the 5 jugs of laundry detergent you bought. Which situation requires less effort to organize and maintain? Go with that one!
Happy New Year!
Wishing you an organized, productive, and joyful year. What do you have planned for 2024? Do you make new year’s intentions, resolutions, or goals? Here are a few of mine.
Have you ever wondered if your old VHS tapes had any value? Are you holding on to CDs, but no longer have a player? Do you want to donate DVDs, but aren’t sure where to do so? Well, you’re not alone. I get asked these questions all the time.
Here are a few suggestions for you.
Call your local Staples or Best Buy store to see if they’ll recycle any of these items. I know the Staples in Attleboro recycles CDs and DVDs. Please recycle.
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