File cabinet space savers

Organizing tipHere are three easy ways to clear up space in your file cabinet.

  1. Recycle or shred paid utility bills. Get rid of all paid gas, electric, public work, telephone, cable, trash, and water bills that are older than 2 months.
  2. Go paperless with all bank, credit card, and financial statements. You’ll be saving trees.
  3. Don’t keep medical or dental explanation of benefits beyond 6 months.


Don’t keep utility bills

How are you enjoying your spring? Do you have spring cleaning and organizing projects lined up? At my house we’re getting central air conditioning installed. I’m very excited that we won’t have to deal with the window AC units anymore.

5 Easy Steps to Seasonal Clothing Swap

Organizing tipIf you’re like me, your closet is tiny and can’t accommodate your complete wardrobe. So we need to preform the seasonal clothing swap. Early spring and fall are when I do my swaps.

Steps for spring:

  1. Wash winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves and pack away until next winter. Clean and condition winter boots before packing away. Don’t forget those wool socks, fleece socks, winter slippers and bathrobes.
  2. Remove all wool, cashmere and heavy sweaters from your closet. Pack up all turtlenecks and winter layering pieces.
  3. Add 3-season items and summer layering pieces to your wardrobe.
  4. Swap out winter hats, scarves, leggings, and jewelry for lightweight options.
  5. Once it gets hotter add tank tops, shorts, bathing suites and summer dresses.

Taking some time to evaluate clothing prior to packing it away is a great way to stay organized.

Encourage recycling

Organizing tipIf you’d like to encourage yourself and your family to recycle more change your words. Use the word landfill instead of trash. Every time you’re about to throw something out say, “I’m putting this in the landfill.” This small change will make a difference in how you perceive discarded items.

Research shows the context of a word sways people’s judgment and decision making.

People Matter More

Organizing tipSpending money on the upkeep of our homes is important. Scheduling time to take care of our things is important. As a Professional Organizer I understand the value of order and maintenance. However, the people in our lives matter more. Scheduling quality time with them and spending money on creating valuable experiences with them is more important. Devote energy and resources to both.